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Cub Scout Pack 1831
(Manassas, Virginia)
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Volunteer to Help Make Pack 1831 Better!

There is always room for one more volunteer on our team, you can help out as much or as little as you want!

1. Behind the Scenes Support:  Let us know what you are willing to do to help out; some examples include administrative support such as copying flyers, putting together new member packets, helping setup and organize fundraisers and other events, updating the website, or helping gather or donate crafting supplies.

2. Active Involvement: Talk to a Den or Pack leader and then just jump in and help out whenever you see an opportunity to make things better or safer for the scouts.  For example, you can help prepare for or complete a den or pack activity or help transport and supervise scouts during special events. Communication and coordination between parents and leaders are key to our success.  Volunteering at this level requires the completion of Youth Protection Training, an on-line training session available via the Internet. Please turn in a copy of the training certificate to your Den Leader or the Pack Trainer after you have completed the training.

3. Be a Scout Leader:  Take on a formal leadership role within the pack and be a uniformed Scout Leader!  In addition to being a Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Assistant Leader there are opportunities for a Pack Secretary, Awards/Advancements Coordinator, Fundraising Chair, Treasurer, and Trainer.   Click here to submit a on-line application to be a Scout Leader; Youth Protection Training and a Background Check are required. 

Parents:  Regardless of whether you volunteer or not, please click on this link to take Youth Protection Training and help us keep everyone safe!  This is a FREE on-line training course. Please turn in a copy of the certificate to your Den Leader or the Pack Trainer after you have completed the training.